Courses We Offer



In today’s day and age, technology, and in particular data science, has opened up unimaginable dimension of human understanding. The data-oriented approach to analyzing millions of data points within thousands of parameters has become a science of its own. This science can help in deeper understanding of any given topic and also assist in simulation and prediction (Artificial Intelligence), so that an ideal outcome can be targeted. Data science is the testament of the pursuit of precision by today’s generation.


Learn one of the most popular programming languages with PreparEd. Programming helps develop one’s structural thinking, coding logic, and algorithmic understanding to achieve a creative outcome. These fundamentals not only help in coding but also in life. Python programming enables you to work on multi-disciplinary industry 4.0 projects such as AI, IoT, etc.

What we offer

3 hrs/week Live Instructor-led online sessions

Hands-on approach through projects

In-class labs/home assignment

PreparEd Certification

Individual attention to each learner

Industry relevant curriculum

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